
I don’t know what I was thinking. We spent the whole day yesterday being hilarious and couple-y. But I forgot to take any pictures except when we absolutely had to.
Such a fool!
Yesterday started with Brandon practically jumping on me and shaking me awake. As soon as my eyes opened, he grinned at me and asked me if I was ready to go “register for stuff.”
Okay, okay, I’m up. I caffeinated, breakfasted & bathed, and we were out the door by noon. The idea was to get to Sears and Bed, Bath & Beyond first since the malls here close really early on Sunday. Also Brandon succeeded in ripping out the butt of one of his pairs of jeans on Saturday, so he needed to get another pair.
So we headed out to Sears first. I’d heard it’s not uncommon to not get very far there because they frequently have computer issues. Sure enough, we fiddled with trying to even set up a new registry, and were entirely unsuccessful.
We gave up for the time being, and went down to Bed, Bath & Beyond. Whew! They were awesome: totally courteous, prepared, and technically adept. We spent a solid two hours meandering through the store, scanning potential loot. It was glorious, and a little bit tiring! We broke for lunch at Panera (nom), and then went home to test out a theory.
Maybe if we set up a registry online at Sears from home, it would work when we got there to add things with the scanner. Maybe?
The answer is ‘no’. I’m generally understanding of computer systems that go down. But when the generally unhelpful staff keeps giving you dirty looks, like “What do you want now?” every time you have to ask them what is wrong with your device that won’t add anything, and then they just shrug at you when it doesn’t work for them either… well, that I’m less than impressed with. We gave up on the scanners and meandered around for a little bit to look at some items he might want to add online later. Sort of a joke really.
And with that we escaped Sears a second time.
When we got to Target, our energy and excitement were definitely waning.  The computers were more than a little gummy from countless hands pawing at the keys, but once we moved on to the scanning, it was kinda fun again. I was really surprised by some of the quality stuff they offered, and seriously reasonable prices. We don’t actually shop at Target very much with Meijer being so close to our house, but I was feeling a little store envy perusing the housewares.
So after 6 hours of mentally color coordinating our future lives together, we were completely exhausted.We stopped by Starbucks to kill a little more time while the kids were still trick-or-treating our neighborhood, and then settled in at home to chill and soak in the full effect of the sugarbuzz. I told Brandon he had free reign to set up our Sears registry with whatever items he saw fit, and I’ll say, he did so very well.
I’d say we are official registered.

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