
I barely can stand to type sitting here. I just want to listen. I love music. Always have. I grew up in a house filled with music. My dad’s worked in radio pretty much all of my life. I play no instruments; I used to sing. Or at least try to. Mostly I just love to listen. I couldn’t really tell you what my style is. One thing for sure it’s not, is country. I never could stomach it. My ear for the edgiest alternative has dwindled. But other than that what I enjoy spans decades, cultures, & continents. A friend of mine used to send me the freshest and most obscure tunes, but I realized I just couldn’t keep up with all that was coming at me.
I used to find a great deal of inspiration to write in music. I suppose I still do, but I also love to just let it wash over me and take my imagination where it might go. A lot of songs have strong memories associated with them, some painful, others joyous. I still can’t comprehend what all goes in to writing a song. Where do you start? How do you find the tune? Will we someday run out of new music? Are the combinations of notes and emotions finite?
Wow. I love this song.
Time to listen.

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